CAN-SBX 2019 Teams Selected

Meet your selected CAN-SBX 2019 teams:


WesternU HAB, Western University/Centre for Planetary Sciences and Exploration (CPSX)

The WesternU HAB Team will attempt to obtain bioaerosols and moisture samples vertically throughout Earth’s atmosphere. This will be achieved through specialized high altitude sampling chamber(s). Microbial aerosol characterization will be completed primarily via optical microscopy. The air mass origin will be obtained through δ18O and δ2H measurements of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the atmospheric moisture. Ultimately, this experiment provides additional resources for studying the vertical distribution and properties of bioaerosols throughout the atmosphere. It will also be the first study detailing the evolution of the host airmass.

Team members include: 

Matt Svensson, Alexis Pascual, Gavin Tolometti, Mohammed Chamma, Chimira Andres, Kelsey Doerksen, Nicole Devos, Bryan Southwell, Nikol Posnov, Bita Azad, Rafael Nascimento de Aguiar, Stephen Amey, and Jonathan Kissi-Ameyaw

Atmospheric Cloud Chamber of the Okanagan (AC2O), University of British Columbia Okanagan

The AC2O team will investigate particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere that originate from primary cosmic rays. Particle detection will be achieved via a cloud chamber filled with supersaturated isopropyl alcohol (IPA). As energized particles pass through the chamber, they ionize the IPA, leaving a trail that is visible to the naked eye. From these trails, an onboard camera will identify the quantity of various particles at specific altitudes. Ultimately, this experiment aims to demonstrate the relativistic length contraction and time dilation properties of particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere, in addition to determining if atmospheric composition and/or pollution influence the altitude at which these particles decay.

Team members include: 

Leonardo Caffarello, Javier Perez, Hector Carrillo, Giulia Rossi, Philipp Eibl


Team AC2O

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