Meet your selected CAN-SBX 2020 teams:

NEUDOSE-HAB, McMaster University
On Earth, our atmosphere shields us from the harmful radation of space. However, as we send astronauts further and further into space, and for longer periods of time, they are being exposed to large amounts of radiation. These high amounts of radiation can severely increase chances of developing cancer and other harmful diseases. The NEUtron DOSimeter Experiment (NEUDOSE) is designed to be able to detect and measure radiation, specifically being able to distinguish between charged and neutral radiation. This differentiation is important as charged and neutral particles interact with human tissue differently. Knowing more about the extent of each type of radiation can help us better protect humans as we explore the cosmos!
Team members include:
Paula Bosca, Jonathan Densil, Travis Ratnaharan, Diana Dumitrescu, Julian Morrone, Michael Chen, Nicholas Vrzovski, Aaron Pitcher, Devan Wagner
Western U Balloon Team, Western University, Institute for Earth and Space Exploration
The goal of the Western UBT high-altitude experiment is to measure the effects of ionizing radiation on organic compounds. Samples of Vitamins B1, B12, and C, under different treatments, will be sent to the stratosphere along with several sensors. Following recovery of the payload, lab tests will be conducted to measure structural and chemical changes in the samples.
Team members include:
Benjamin Wolfman, JP Schnabel, Finn Hafting, Mohamed Toman, Amelia Colborne, Millpreet Kamboj, Rishab Bhatt, Oladayo Ogunjimi, Artem Alimenkov, Eustace Imafidon, Fland Pan, Zuzanna Jaglarz, Kunj Patel, Kevin Jing, Brandon Yip, Mahir Rahman, Jacqueline Chen, Melissa Jiang, Tiffany Chu

See the official press release here.